Get ready to have another great program with Hands Across Nations! We are so appreciative of all our amazing friends and sponsors who attend this event each year and help continue our work in Uganda. Come prepared to be enthralled! Carolyn and Keith will be sharing their adventures and experiences while continuing their work in Uganda.
Keith and Carolyn Jones have been missionaries to Uganda full time for many years. They have stories to tell about how donors from the Stevens County area and beyond have recently impacted the poor, disabled and illiterate in N. Uganda.
At this year’s HANDS ACROSS NATIONS BENEFIT AUCTION you could win a signed Gonzaga men’s team basketball, a weekend at Deveau’s Mountain Cabin near 49 Degrees North Ski Area, one or two gorgeous handmade – brand new quilts, or one of three “Parole-a-Bear” stuffed animals made by prisoners in the infamous Angola Prison, Louisiana! You might also win tickets to a Spokane Indians baseball game or a Spokane Chiefs hockey game or a round of golf and a cart for 2, or to several Chewelah PACA Theatre plays!! If that doesn’t get you excited there will be elegant theme baskets, and exotic African crafts.
A Charcuterie Board of delicious food, with desserts and drinks will be served free of charge! Hands Across Nations, is a Chewelah/Stevens County Non-Profit Organization since 2006. The HAN Benefit/Auction is Saturday, October 12 at Abundant Life Fellowship Church, 203 S 2nd St. East. Doors open at 5:30pm.

Our Supporters
Below are some of the wonderful businesses that make our work in Uganda possible. We hope you will join us as a supporter.
Click on a logo to go to the business website.

Won't You Join Us?
Hands Across Nations grew out of a short term mission trip to war torn Northern Uganda in 2001. The plight of the Langi people, suffering under the attacks of brutal rebels, pierced our hearts and we have been returning to the Lira area every year.
God is continuing to work through the challenging times we face! The Ugandan Prisons remain on lock-down due to the Covid-19 virus, and HAN continues “Sharing the Love of Christ in Practical Ways”. Thank you to our generous donors who have enabled us to have an impact in Uganda during 2022 and 2023:
· Supplying literacy class materials in the 12 local prisons and villag-es so the teachers were able to progress with their students in the “Learning to Read to Read the Bible” classes
· Providing medical and surgical care for sick and injured people who Christ brings to us
· Providing food to the “least of these brothers and sisters of Christ” in nearby villages and who arrive daily at our gate
· Helping to repair and replace roofs on houses for the poor while teaching new technical skills to our staff and their children.
Currently Keith and Carolyn Jones will be staying in the USA until Covid Restrictions are lifted in Uganda, God willing, in the Spring.
In 2023, HAN will be using donated funds to focus on:
· Printing the already translated Easy to Read Bible Scripture Books, Primers 1 and 2 “Learning to Read to Read the Bible” books in the Lango Language, and Primer books for learning to speak and read English, the Uganda National language.
· Distribution of Bible Books and Primers with reading glasses to prisons, schools and villages throughout the Lango tribal region. God’s Word in the hands of the people in their native tongue is our goal
- Lameck George ESL Teacher-Trainer Extraordinaire
Want to partner with us?
Let’s it happen now! Click here to become a partner in HAN efforts to help